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Frequently asked questions

When will my order ship?
After your payment is verified, it takes up to 24 hours to process and ship your order.
I need to change something on my order. How can I do that?
If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us immediately. Once our warehouse has processed your order, we will be unable to make any changes.
How do I know if my order has shipped? Can I track it?
Once your order ships, you will receive an email containing your tracking number. You can track your order at any time.
Do you ship globally?
Yes we ship globally.
Is my personal information kept private?
Yes, in accordance with the new and updated data protection act we promise to keep your information private and secure.
What can I do if my order is going to the wrong address?
If your parcel has already been dispatched, we are unable to change your shipping address for you.
A stain was left on my clothes, how do I remove it?
DripFit has no harsh chemicals that will burn your skin or stain your clothes. Our formula is packed with healthy oils to help you achieve the best results, so be mindful of oils and your clothing! NEW STAIN: If you experience a stain from the natural oils place dish detergent on the stain immediately. Let it sit, and then soak in hot water. OLD STAIN: Soak with vinegar, rub the spot with a paste made from vinegar and backing soda. You can add a couple tablespoons each of vinegar and laundry detergent to a bucket of water and soak the garment overnight if the stain persists. We do not recommend wearing light coloured clothing or thin materials such as satin.
There are crystals in my DripFit Cream, is this normal?
Yes! DripFit Cream is 100% all-natural. These crystals are from the main active ingredient in DripFit - Magnesium - and will absorb almost immediately into your skin with your body's natural heat. To bring back to normal consistency, melt until liquid and then refrigerate until cool.
My DripFit Cream has melted, what do I do?
Due to the all-natural ingredients in DripFit Cream, it can melt when exposed to high temperatures. Place in the fridge for 1-2 hours or overnight and it will return to it's normal consistency.
My DripFit Cream has hardened, what do I do?
To improve the application of DripFit, simply heat in the microwave for 10-15 seconds to allow the product to soften. If the product becomes liquified, refrigerate until it cools to its natural consistency. DripFit will also naturally melt with your body heat.
How do I store my DripFit Cream?
DripFit Cream should be stored at room temperature.
How do I clean my DripFit Sweat Bands?
Machine wash on gentle and cold cycle, and hang to dry. Do not allow DripFit Sweat Bands to be in contact with heat, as it will break down the neoprene and can cause staining.