Think Fit is a naturally occurring molecule found in sea life, such as Red Marine Algae. In many studies, it has been found to be safe and well tolerated.
Protect brain function
Protect brain memory
Better brain health
Proven by research
Prevents formation of plaque
Stops the formation of the damaging protein that jams the electrical signals in the brain
Removes existing plaque
Actually removes the tangles already formed in the brain, allowing more effective brain function
Increases hippocampal volume
Proven to increase the size of the brain – specifically the memory center called the Hippocampus

What happens in the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient?
AD is the result of damage to the receptors in the brain that transmit stimuli. When a receptor can not transmit effectively, the capacity of the brain to properly function is diminished. But what actually causes the receptors to malfunction is more to the point of what causes AD. We know that the end result at the neuronal site is the creation of tangles that inhibit excitatory neurotransmitters (metaphorically, it is like spark plugs not firing). It is now confirmed that beta Amyloid protein is the first domino in the creation of these tangles in the brain.
Can we stop this toxic chemical?
Yes, and all new research now is trying to target the blocking of beta Amyloid and developing a blockbuster Pharmaceutical prescription medicine for the market. A naturally occurring product already exists in the form of an amino acid called Homotaurine.
Why do only some people make beta Amyloid?
Actually, everyone makes beta Amyloid to a certain degree. But not everyone will get sufficient plaguing to develop AD.
New research has confirmed a link between gum disease and AD, what is the connection?
Gum disease is especially risky since it leads to bacterial, viral and mold infections directly into the brain. It is theorized that those individuals who have lost their blood brain barrier (chemical filter) are more prone to neurological disease, such as AD, Parkinson’s Disease and ALS. New research on mice has shown the ‘instilled’ infections into the brains of mice will lead to the plaguing we see in AD. Therefore, plaguing may well be a protection mechanism for the brain to ‘enclose’ infections. Things that can destroy our Blood Brain Barrier are Mercury fillings, Fluorides, Steroids, Autoimmune Disease, Allergies, Pesticides, Trauma, untreated Systemic Infections, specifically Staph, Parasites and, of course, poor nutrition.
Is it natural, as we age, to start having a poor memory?
As we age, our brain shrinks. This happens to everyone. But we can absolutely slow down this shrinkage and, in many instances, with improved nutrition and specialized supplements, the brain can increase in size and improve AAMI (age associated memory impairment). Research has proven that the active ingredient in Think Fit increases the volume of the Hippocampus…the storage compartment of our brain, and improves AAMI.
Can we remove existing beta Amyloid plaque?
Yes, the active ingredient in Think Fit has been proven to remove existing plaque from the brain. But like anything, natural products work slowly, and over the long term.
If someone has a genetic predisposition, can Think Fit potentially help?
Yes, because if you can stop the production and remove the existing beta Amyloid, your chances of getting AD are diminished.
How do I take Think Fit?
Take one capsule daily, following a large carbohydrate meal, such as toast and jam; afterward, drink a glass of room temperature water. If there is stomach discomfort, take right before going to sleep at night. If stomach discomfort still continues, stop for three days and start again or discontinue use.