DripFit Transformation - Ashley Keddy

How has DripFit helped my transformation?
DripFit has been a huge part of my transformation. DripFit has given me the strength and confidence to reach my goals. It’s more than just a transformation catalyst. It’s life-changing! It’s empowering! It’s a community of framily for life.
DripFit never lets you down. It's always there to pick you up when you are feeling blue. Seeing every bead of sweat pouring down your body makes you strive to achieve more goals.
Trust me! Your first waterfall & pee pants will have you hooked forever. I have been using DripFit products since 2017. I can’t believe the definitions I am seeing in my arms and waist from using the bands. I no longer have bat wings for arms just pure definitions and strength. Highly recommend you head on over to the website and grab yours today.
My Transformation Story:
My fitness journey arose in March of 2022. I made the decision that it's time for a change when I could no longer bend down to tie my shoe without being out of breath. I felt extremely uncomfortable in my body. I knew I needed to make some major adjustments in my life.
I searched for fitness classes in my local area and found one that sparked my interest. I signed up for a month-long program every Saturday morning called Jumping Fitness. I started my first class on April 9, 2022, and continued until June 2022.
In June I decided to purchase a regional district pass at my local recreation center. I signed up for more fitness classes such as athletic step & sculpt, cycle & core, Yoga Pilates fusion, Pilates ballet, and Yoga. I slowly started to bump up the number of sessions from once a week to twice a week so on so forth.
October 2022, I attended an event hosted by Brenley and her team at Oxygen Fitness Victoria Fight For Life Bootcamp for breast cancer.
I was so nervous walking in the door by myself to face the most challenging thing I would ever do.
The moment I walked in the door, I was greeted by my framily alongside an amazing bunch of powerful women. I have never felt so much love in one room before. I never felt so much support and kindness from complete strangers.
Near the end of the workout, I just completely broke down in tears. I felt like a failure for stopping to take a break from the heat. Julie and Michelle came to my rescue and stopped their workout to comfort me. I can’t thank you ladies enough for your kind words and helping me through a struggle. Your love and support encourage me to complete my mission. I completed it with a smile on my face. Finishing this workout was the hardest thing I have ever done when it comes to fitness.
I felt so empowered and ready to take on any challenge that came my way.
February 2023, I signed up for an empowerment event held by DripFit. The event included a pod shoot held at Moon and Back gallery in Richmond BC to include full glitz and glam.
I felt like a Disney princess, I have never felt so beautiful in my life. I concord fears and broke free of my shell. Can you believe it? I took photos with my tuckus hanging out. It was an unbelievable experience. I experienced lots of emotions throughout the whole weekend. I have never felt so safe in an environment filled with powerful women.
Lights, Camera, Action @ Sooke Fitness on May 6, 2023, I took part in a promotional photoshoot. I felt on top of this world! Two shoots in one year, who the heck is this girl.
This is the first time in my life that I feel confident putting on clothes for the day and walking out without being covered up. For years I would always hide behind my clothing by layering up, which would make me look bigger than I was. I am a very self-conscious person and doing the Freedom To Live Better Program for the time that I was in it has given me the courage to rock my curves and gain unstoppable confidence.
508 days later I have become a stronger version of myself. I no longer hide behind my clothes. I have gained unstoppable confidence. I have never shown this much skin in my life. I feel a glow in myself that I didn’t know I had, nor did I know could exist. I have overcome depression and found happiness. Friends, family and coworkers are telling me I am a whole new person. The darkness is behind me and only sunshine ahead.
I now look at myself in the mirror with love and respect. I now enjoy going shopping and finding new outfits for me to rock and show the world how far I have come.
Fitness and wellness have become a new part of my life and I'll never look back. If my journey has taught me anything, it's dreams do come true if we only wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.