DripFit Transformation - Christine Danielson

How DripFit Helped With My Transformation:
I came across DripFit, my framily, during the hardest chemotherapy drug. I was doing a workout challenge and hopped on a live with Brenley and fell in love! I bought DripFit right away, and started using it all over, on my scars, on my radiation burns, and also to get a good workout in. It saved my skin! I then took the chance to apply to be an ambassador and the day I had the interview, I found out the results of my surgery pathology, and there was still cancer left in my lymph nodes. It meant more surgery, but I had the call with Brooke, and we had the best "interview." I cried when she said, "I shouldn't say this but you are in, don't tell Brenley I told you." HA. I started balling and told Brooke how much it meant to me, and told her about the news I received. It was meant to be, my DripFit framily is meant to be.
My Transformation Story:
Cinco de Mayo, the day of surprises, was the day I heard at 34, "You have breast cancer." What me? I am a healthy, young mom of 3 beautiful kids with zero history in the family. That day, the day of surprises, changed me. I went from being Christine the mom, to Christine the fighter. I was determined to make this journey one full of fight and light. I went through two years of guessing, chemotherapy, radiation, trial drugs, a double mastectomy with reconstruction plus so many more surgeries. I lost my hair, but I did not lose my spirit!
I took every step as a lesson, and maintained my health. Cancer is scary, it is not an easy journey. It is full of the deepest valleys, harsh weather and monstrous climbs. But there are always rainbows after the worst storms, and the most beautiful views at the top of those climbs, and that's the journey I took. I worked on my whole self, body, mind, and soul. I started advocating, and working with AMAZING organizations fundraising for my cancer institute. I made the best framily with my DripFit sweaty squad and I can now say I am a cancer survivor! After 2 years, I have been given the greatest gift of being a survivor. I now love who I have become, thank my body for healing, I am more connected with my family and friends and get to be there to watch my beautiful children grow! How blessed am I!